Q. What's the difference between a 'prescribed' and 'recommended' resource?
Answered By: Rachael Wilson
Last Updated: Jan 30, 2025Views: 705
Here's some quick definitions to help you understand your unit resources:
Prescribed textbook: an essential resource required for you to succeed in the unit. The Library cannot guarantee access, so you should purchase a copy (either a physical book or an e-book). Not all units have a prescribed textbook.
Recommended textbook: a resource that you are advised to read to build foundational knowledge. You are not expected to purchase a copy, but the Library cannot guarantee access. Not all units have a recommended textbook.
Reading Lists: Your Unit Chair may have a weekly or a module-based breakdown of resources. The importance of each resource will be indicated on your reading list (i.e. prescribed, recommended or further). Not all units have a reading list.